Animierte Netze (Oberflächen)
In diesem Seminar werden Techniken zur Animation von polygonalen Netzen (Oberflächen) im Raum behandelt.
- Parametrisierung von Netzen:
- V. Kraevoy and A. Sheffer. Cross-parameterization and compatible remeshing of 3d models. ACM Trans. Graph., 23(3):861–869, 2004.
- J. Schreiner, A. Asirvatham, E. Praun, and H. Hoppe. Inter-surface mapping. ACM Trans. Graph., 23(3):870–877, 2004.
- Deformations-Transfer unterschiedlicher Posen:
- R. W. Sumner and J. Popovíc. Deformation transfer for triangle meshes. In SIGGRAPH ’04: ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Papers, pages 399–405, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM.
- Geometrisches Modellieren von Formen:
- M. Kilian, N. J. Mitra, and H. Pottmann. Geometric modeling in shape space. ACM Trans. Graph., 26(3):64, 2007.
- Form-Interpolation mit Hilfe der Poisson-Gleichung:
- D. Xu, H. Zhang, Q. Wang, and H. Bao. Poisson shape interpolation. In ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, 2005.
- Y. Tong, S. Lombeyda, A. N. Hirani, and M. Desbrun. Discrete multiscale vector field decomposition. ACM Trans. Graph., 22(3):445–452, 2003.
- Adaptive Raumdeformierungen mit Hilfe von starren Zellen:
- M. Botsch, M. Pauly, M. Wicke, and M. Gross. Adaptive space deformations based on rigid cells. In Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2007.
- Wassersimulation mit Hilfe von Zellrastern:
- R. Bridson and M. Müller-Fischer. Fluid simulation: Siggraph 2007 course notes. In SIGGRAPH ’07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses, pages 1–81, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM.
- N. Foster and R. Fedkiw. Practical animation of liquids. In SIGGRAPH ’01: Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pages 23–30, New York, NY, USA, 2001. ACM.
- M. Carlson, P. J. Mucha, R. Brooks, V. H. Iii, and G. Turk. Abstract melting and flowing.
- Partikelbasierte Wassersimulation:
- M. Müller, D. Charypar, and M. Gross. Particle-based fluid simulation for interactive applications. In SCA ’03: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, pages 154–159, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2003. Eurographics Association.
- B. Adams, M. Pauly, R. Keiser, and L. J. Guibas. Adaptively sampled particle fluids. In SIGGRAPH ’07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, page 48, New York, NY, USA, 2007. ACM.
- Stoffsimulation mit (semi-)impliziter numerischer Integration:
- Jan Bender and Daniel Bayer Parallel simulation of inextensible cloth. Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation VRIPHYS (2008)
- BARAFF D., WITKIN A. Large steps in cloth simulation. Computer Graphics 32, Annual Conference Series (1998), 43–54.
- Stoffsimulation mit expliziter (und implizit-expliziter) numerischer Integration:
- PROVOT X.: Deformation constraints in a mass spring model to describe rigid cloth behavior. In Graphics Interface ’95 (1995), Davis W. A., Prusinkiewicz P., (Eds.), Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, pp. 147–154.
- EBERHARDT B., ETZMUSS O., HAUTH M.: Implicit-explicit schemes for fast animation with particle systems. In Proc. Eurographics Workshop Computer Animation and Simulation (2000).
- Kollisionserkennung von Stoffsimulationen und animierten Netzen mittels BVHs und bildbasierten Ansätzen:
- SIGG C., PEIKERT R., GROSS M.: Signed distance transform using graphics hardware. In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization ’03 (October 2003), IEEE Computer Society Press.
- FUHRMANN A., SOBOTKA G., GROSS C.: Distance fields for rapid collision detection in physically based modeling. In Proceedings of GraphiCon 2003 (Sept. 2003), pp. 58–65.
- Kollisionserkennung von Stoffsimulationen und animierten Netzen mittels Distanzfeldern und Raumunterteilung:
- TESCHNER M., HEIDELBERGER B., MUELLER M., POMERANETS D., GROSS M.: Optimized spatial hashing for collision detection of deformable objects. In Proceedings of Vision, Modeling, Visualization VMV’03 (2003), pp. 47–54.
- ZACHMANN G., LANGETEPE E.: Geometric data structures for computer graphics. In Tutorial at ACM SIGGRAPH. ACM, 27–31July 2003.
- HEIDELBERGER B., TESCHNER M., GROSS M.: Detection of collisions and self-collisions using image-space techniques. In Proc. of WSCG’04 (2004), pp. 145–152.