Netze, Punktwolken, Unterteilungsalgorithmen
- Typ: Seminar (S)
- Semester: WS 15/16
Geb. 50.34
Raum 301 -
mittwochs 11:30 - 13:00
14-täglich - Beginn: 21. Oktober 2015
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Prautzsch
Pawel Herman - SWS: 2
- LVNr.: 2400026
13.01 Splines over Triangulations
03.02 Manifold Splines
Achtung: Vortrag fängt erst um 12 Uhr an.
Manifold Splines
Computing Surface Hyperbolic Structure and Real Projective Structure
Surface Mapping using Consistent Pants Decomposition
Optimizing Geometry-aware Pants Decomposition
10.02 Quad Layouts
Mesh Parameterization: Theory and Practice
Quantized Global Parametrization
Quad Layout Embedding via Aligned Parameterization
Dual Strip Weaving: Interactive Design of Quad Layouts using Elastica Strips
??.02 Isotropic Remeshing
Isotropic Remeshing with Fast and Exact Computation
of Restricted Voronoi Diagram
Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Applications and Algorithms
Adaptive Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic and Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry
Reentrant Polygon Clipping
How to prepare a presentation
How to write a good research paper and give a good research talk
How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students